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At times where processes are leaner and the distance between creator and consumer is shortened, Marcelo has designed his career on the mix between production and creation.

He started as an editor - at MTV, Production Companies, and inside Advertising Agencies - and has on his editing and narrative storytelling the strength of his work as a Director. 

Totally hands-on, Marcelo has filmed across the Globe accessing cultural universes relevant to his narratives, building strong scenes combined with a modern cinematography.

He has been nominated at the Cannes YDA, New York Festival, and Berlin Commercial.

/ Director

/ Film Editor

/ Fine Art Photographer

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Silver Selection with Pássaro Vadio - Nem Perto de Cair

Berlin Music Video Festival 2023

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YDA Nominee.

Short Listed at the Cannes Young Directors Awards with Corey Lohr - This is my Journey

New York Festivals Nominee.

Short Listed at the NYFAA with Corey Lohr - This is my Journey

Berlin Commercial Nominee.

Short Listed at Berlin Commercial with Corey Lohr - This is my Journey

MVF Nominee

Short Listed at the Music Video Festival with Zudizilla - Sem Distração

German Brand Awards WINNER

Excellence in Brand Strategy & Communication - Movies, Commercials and Virals.

Mimpi Festival WINNER

Best Film by Popular Choise and Most Original Idea winner with Válvula de Escape.


Eternal Circle // at Impro 97 Gallery

"Kuningan" exhibited in Düsseldorf in November 2022.

Amazonas Adentro // at Rejane Carvalho Leite

Exhibited in Porto Alegre, in May 2023.


“He who seeks beauty will find it.”
― Bill Cunninghan.

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Marcelo D Almeida Alves.

Degerstraße 44, 40235, Düsseldorf, Germany.



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