Amazonas Adentro is a photographic series created by Marcelo, based on a commissioned work for the production of a documentary about the importance of environmental preservation and conscious economic development in the Baixo Seruini region.
Also known as Medio Purus, this location in the state of Amazonas is far from the Amazonian tourist routes. It is an area where indigenous communities and Extractive Reserves share a vast and unexplored territory that is still very wild.
Amazonas Adentro shows a part of the reality of the people who inhabit the banks of the Igarapés in the interior of the State of Amazonas, on the border with Acre.
Known as the "tree of life" or "stairway to heaven," indigenous people consider it as "the mother" of all trees.
"Samaúma", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
This is a "voadeira," the main form of transportation in the flooded areas of the region.
"Voadeira", Amazônia, Brazil, 2022.
"Estrada", Amazônia, Brazil, 2022.
Penedo is a community that has the Chestnuts trees its main resource.
Piao is its leader and lives with his whole family there.
"Piao", Penedo's Community leader.
Amazonas, 2022.
"O menino e as Castanhas", Amazônia, Brazil, 2022.
Um dos filhos de Piao.
"Moisés", Amazônia, Brazil, 2022.
Outro filho de Piao.
"Neto Piao", Amazônia, 2022.
"Neta Piao", Amazônia, 2022.
"Chuva", 2022.
Kamarapa Community
Seven hours away from our base, we visited the Kamarapa community. The community of Teixeira and his family refer to themselves as "true Apurinã".
Despite lacking certain structures such as electricity, which means they can only see at night if there is a full moon, they have abundant natural resources.
Luciene, the community's matriarch, showed us the pharmacopoeia present in their land and the power of the plants found there.
"Barco Kamarapa", Amazônia, Brazil, 2022.
"O menino e a Floresta", Amazônia, 2022.
"Alegria", Amazônia, 2022.
"Familia Kamarapa", Amazônia, 2022.
"Crianças Kamarapa", Amazônia, 2022.
Pajé e Cunha-Poranga
Cunha-Poranga #1", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
Cunha-Poranga #2", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Pajé #1", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Pajé #2", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Cunha-Poranga #3", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
All the communities we visited are riverine. The constructions are very similar. There is a living room, often open, along with a space where they cook and a closed room where they sleep in suspended hammocks.
"Menino na Janela" à beira do Rio Purús. Amazonas, Brasil, 2022.
"Casa Ribeirinha", Amazonas, Brasil, 2022.
"Mundica" is the matriarch of Vila Limeira, a community with 200 inhabitants, all of whom are her descendants.
Mundica, Vila Limeira, Amazonas, 2022.
Amazonian Boys
Boys in a waterfall near Pauiní, Amazonas.
"Menino Amazonense #1", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Menino Amazonense #2", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Menino Amazonense #3", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
"Menino Amazonense #4", Pauiní, Brazil, 2022.
Rapé Flower
A rare sight: a Rapé Flower.
Lilico is like and Amazonia-cowboy.
Sweet but fearless, he knows the forest and its rivers like the back of his hand.