Director / DP: Marcelo Alves
Producer: Pedro Ramos
Camera Assistant: Luca Oltenau
Gaffer: Mica
Editor: Julian Eduardo, Marcelo Alves & James O'Sullivan
Sound: Thiago Gautério
Grading: Marla Grading
Agency: Proximity BBDO
Creative Director: Steven Tyler
Year: 2021
Porsche's Recode The Race campaign announces the launch of the very first Esport Team from Porsche.
With the task of showcasing individual characteristics that build the skills to be a successful SIM Racer, we portray Mitchel DeJong, Mack Bakkum, Josh Rogers, and Tommy Østgaard.
The importance of Strategy, a Strong Mindset, a Fitness Body, and the Experience of Real Racing, compounds the Recode The Race message throughout the films.
In a super lean crew set up, we had 5 shooting days at Weissach, in the Porsche Development Facilities, to film everything to announce their launch.

Degerstraße 44, 40235, Düsseldorf, Germany marcelo@marceloalvesx.com // +4915128044687